generated OSM poi´s

Started by balloni55, August 27, 2018, 13:52:17

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Hello menion
functionality of OSM poi´s generated  with e.g. "Osmosis + JOSM" or "overpass turbo wizzard"
as .gpx and imported to locus sould be improved.

For example,
i plan a camping holiday and generate poi´s for my holiday area in advance, to decide on tour where i want to rest.
- for now the relevant links (mail, website, phone) are not clickable, the only clickable link (not rearly needed ;) ) produce an error

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hi balloni,
as you may see in your GPX file, visible content (email, phone ..) is added as one big text field in <desc> in file. So what you need from me is to analyze all these descriptions and grab from it all useful information and place them into appropriate (email, phone, ...) fields in UI.
I think it is a very specific request based on your own use-case. Isn't a lot better to use directly LoPoints which should have all these information? If it is complicated to use these points, what is the biggest weak point from your view? Thanks
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Hello menion
thanks for your answer, of course LoPoints include these Infos,
but user can´t get specific info with predefined categories or search option...

QuoteIf it is complicated to use these points, what is the biggest weak point from your view?

just imagine:
you yourselve travel with Camper/Caravan around germany and you are locking for a place to rest one night with sanitary station (no campsite!, no opening hours)
If you use the predefined search option "Camping" you get hundreds, but most of them are traditional campsite and not what you are searching for!

For german speaking users it´s also complicated, depending on "search therm" the results are not complete
search therm "Caravan" > results "Caravan Park", "Caravan Stellplatz", "Caravan Station" a.s.o.
search therm "Wohnmobil" > results "Wohnmobil Hafen", "Wohnmobil Stellplatz", "Wohnmobil Stellplätze" a.s.o.
search therm "Stellplatz" > results "Reisemobil Stellplatz","Wohnmobil Stellplatz", "Wohnmobil Stellplätze"a.s.o.

i think user get matching search results only if locus can search for OSM tags

in this example: "caravan_site" and "sanitary_dump_station"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Partially understand. It is anyway more "question" on Petr. @voldapet, may you please give some info here? Thanks.
From my point of view:
- parsing data in description > wrong way
- (create and) improve search options in LoPoins > good way
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I'm not sure if I can fully understand. We have some ideas how to improve LoMaps POIs and to offer searching using categories or key words. IMHO search by OSM key/value can be quite tricky. Who knows what OSM is and who knows all possible key/values combinations?
More over we have idea to use other sources to improve current LoMaps POIs. It'll be quite complicated to cover all possibilities but I'm not really sure if searching using OSM key/value is the ideal solution. 