[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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So, user steps are:
1. Attempt Brouter navigation in Locus but get timeout.
2. Use Brouter app to do same calculation, using remote.brf profile and selecting a to point and a from point.
3. Now it will work in Locus so either import track, or recalculate.
Am I right? If so it's still not very user friendly.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: abrensch on August 13, 2016, 16:49:54......
Every request with a remote profile saves that profile on the brouter-side as brouter/profiles2/remote.brf

So after a timeout, you can repeat that long-distance calculation using the brouter-app, using the exact same destination point and a close-by starting point. That will automatically store the "reference-track" as brouter/modes/remote_rawtrack.dat, and with the help of that file the next try from Locus is guaranteed not to time out. Same for automatic recalulations (using endpoint priority). Recalculations should always be faster than the initial ones.......

It could be better from user convenience view,
if BRouter, seeing start destination distance bigger than a threshold,
would calculate the reference track and the first route calculation directly,
sending via API some kind of "keep alive ping".until finished.

As if used for cars, ( even if aware of turn restriction issue ), the timeouts may be rather the rule then exception.

Viajero Perdido

When in offline mode and you try to view online map tiles, Locus shows a placeholder tile with directions to the offline mode checkbox.  Brilliant idea, BTW.

With recent changes to the setting structure, it needs to be reworded.  :)  Noticed in the current beta.


Hi to all,
hope you had a good days without my responses last days. I had to test BRouter & Locus on moto and it worked pretty well. I was used mainly "FastEco" mode and have to say, that few times track was longer then expected (usually a lot shorter track was over city which was probably considered as "not so eco").

Anyway in the end, I agree with opinion of @abrensch about duplicating of Locus routing profiles & brf selection. So I've removed it for now and Locus will have hardcoded custom profiles. So for car-fast will be used Libor's "Car-FastEco.brf" profile etc. without possibility to change it. You will be anyway still able to disable Locus custom-mapping and use old used system with mapping directly over BRouter. Reason for this is, that creating system with such huge customization of routing profiles needs more then one afternoon, so it's not possible to implement it now. I've decided to allow less features for now. Thanks for understanding.

@T-mo: is it really so often that you change even a navigation routing sources? Hmm, not sure how common use case is this. I for example usually use "recalculate" option from menu and now quite frequently also long click on this option to define how will be recalculation done. Not sure about others ...
@Viajero Perdido: thanks, improved
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Quote from: menion on August 17, 2016, 17:53:31
...... I had to test BRouter & Locus on moto and it worked pretty well. I was used mainly "FastEco" mode and have to say, that few times track was longer then expected (usually a lot shorter track was over city which was probably considered as "not so eco"). .........

You may want to try the updated Car-Profile template, identical to future Car-FastEco.

The above experience may be caused by not well tuned yet evaluation of turn and initial ways costs, that could provide less them optimal results in urban areas. I have tried to address it better in the above template.

I have also added 2 extra boolean flags for Locus, that allow to turn already existing features by ON/OFF flags.
Avoiding Unpaved and
Fast versus FastEco. Or may be named Balanced .

assign fastprofile            0 # default 0=economic, i.e. balanced cost and time, 1=prefers shorter time
                                # implemented for Locus config switch system
                                # fastprofile=0 is equivalent drivestyle=2(FastEco), fastprofile=1 is equivalent drivestyle=3(Fast)
assign avoid_motorways        0 # default 0, 1=like if on moped or on "sightseeing tour", includes motorroad=yes
assign avoid_toll             0 # default 0 / 1=avoid paid ways and toll points like booths or bridges
assign avoid_unpaved          0 # default 0 / 1=avoid unpaved roads, equivalent to road_restriction=2, implemented for Locus confing switches


Quote from: menion on August 17, 2016, 17:53:31
Anyway in the end, I agree with opinion of @abrensch about duplicating of Locus routing profiles & brf selection. So I've removed it for now and Locus will have hardcoded custom profiles. So for car-fast will be used Libor's "Car-FastEco.brf" profile etc. without possibility to change it. You will be anyway still able to disable Locus custom-mapping and use old used system with mapping directly over BRouter. Reason for this is, that creating system with such huge customization of routing profiles needs more then one afternoon, so it's not possible to implement it now. I've decided to allow less features for now. Thanks for understanding.
Trying this on the new beta, I eventually discovered that "custom settings" means menion's settings, and "fast" means "avoid motorways". Neither are all that obvious, and (at least for me) "fast" should mean "use motorways".
If it is to be hard coded, my preference would be "fast" = "use motorways" and "slow" = "fast-eco" and "avoid motorways". Plus use phrasing like "Locus defaults" or "BRouter defaults" instead of "custom settings".
Anyway, I guess this is only one iteration on the route to perfection.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


aaaaa, there is an issue and there are missing extra settings for "custom settings" ... damn, thanks @john_percy , how may I miss it, hmm :/

@poutnikl : thank you, I'll look at it ...

damn ... hard to test it when settings for custom profiles are missing. I'll do some more fixes and publish one more beta version on weekend. Sorry. And yes, consider this as first iteration.

Plan is to publish one more bug-fix version next week, in middle of September, I'll be out-of-office for two weeks and October will be in name of rewriting handling of profiles + most probably creating ability to define custom profiles for BRouter directly in app.
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- map preview in track tab solved :)

- geotagged photos, it´s only one level so please write subdirectory :) > subdirectories is missleading
- item subdirectory
> http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/subfolders-in-item-tab
how to create folder/subfolder inside locus? Folder created with file explorer work, but subfolder isnt availabel in item tab :-[

Fundamental question "visibility of items"
- using items, last state of visible items is stored and displayed on next activation of this item.
sec. 10 > i hide th route
sec. 20 > i hide the poly and one point
sec. 40 > in overview it seams there is no item active item :-[ this is missleading
sec. 44 > 5 points are nevertheless visible
sec. 65. > i hide all points and tracks
sec. 79. > i disable item and after enabling it again no item is visible on map > using last state :-[
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


- subdirectories improved :)

- subfolders ... you create a new subfolder somewhere in Locus/mapItems and it is not visible in new "Items" screen? Old "Items" tab in data manager support only one level of subdirectories as is mentioned in topic

- visibility ...
Understand, good point. Seems that "eye" icon needs three states ... nothing visible, something visible, all is visible. Otherwise restoring previous state seems for me as correct behavior, isn't it?
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Quoteand it is not visible in new "Items" screen?
after long search i found this "item function" with "+ icon" and it work quite good with subfolders ;D
sorry, i didn´t search for a new function because items tab on old place is furthermore available :P
QuoteSeems that "eye" icon needs three states ... nothing visible, something visible, all is visible.
if you solve it this way, previous state is ok ;)

new questions/ideas:
in item detail window down right "eye button" is always blue, with or without stroke and i think the logic is inverse.
- blue eye with stoke item is visible on map :-[
- blue eye without stroke item is hidden :-[

- if i click on map preview in item detail window and hit a item this item change state, for what´s this??
- click on map preview in item detail window should end in mapscreen, identically POI/track

- back button in map items should end on mapscreen and not jump step by step back from deep subfolder, navigating in folder/subfolders is possible with click in "top folder list"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


In new beta version, eye icon is enabled even when single item is enabled, so it may helps little bit for now.

Blue button ... it depend on what you expect. You expect that this icon display current situation. Anyway I had made it that icon display action that happen. So item is not on a map > eye icon say "show it". Isn't it more logical?

"Click on map" ... thanks, I'll fix it

About "back" from "items screen" - don't talk me about it: http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5199.msg44460#msg44460
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Quote from: abrensch on August 13, 2016, 16:49:54
Every request with a remote profile saves that profile on the brouter-side as brouter/profiles2/remote.brf

So after a timeout, you can repeat that long-distance calculation using the brouter-app, using the exact same destination point and a close-by starting point. That will automatically store the "reference-track" as brouter/modes/remote_rawtrack.dat, and with the help of that file the next try from Locus is guaranteed not to time out. Same for automatic recalulations (using endpoint priority). Recalculations should always be faster than the initial ones.

Hmm....., Locus can define the startpoint and the endpoint for the route calculations by multiple ways, e.g. by coordinates or screen center position. The above procedure of manually trigerring timeout calculation would fail, if the points are not chosen from already defined Locus waypoints...... It would be good if BRouter exposes the used points to the user so he would use them for timout free calculation.  Perhaps the way of generated points from, [via1,] .... [viaN,]   to would help.


QuoteAnyway I had made it that icon display action that happen. So item is not on a map > eye icon say "show it". Isn't it more logical?
logical.... off course ;)
but it is not consistent inside locus, all over locus blue eye means visible and grey eye with stroke means not visible on map.
This is what locus user keep in mind and he do not recognice the difference of a stroke inside a blue eye icon,
just my two cents ::)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks balloni, I'll think about it more next week. This change is still not yet ready to publish, but I think, I'm close.

Btw. new version 3.18.7 published. Thanks to many people for ultra-fast translation of texts, that I've uploaded just yesterday on crowdin. And also thanks for many bug reports. I didn't wrote all of them to news, because even without them, list of news is quite long :).
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