Navigation on all tracks

Started by Menion, September 03, 2013, 12:47:55

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I would like to introduce new testing feature - navigation on all tracks, not just the once, created with online service, directly in Locus

How does it work:
1. you need latest test version of Locus
2. simply display track on map, tap on it and under Guide section, will be Navigation test button. Use it
3. locus will generate navigation orders along the track and allow to enable classic voice navigation

Keep in mind: Locus generate Navigation orders offline, by testing changes in angles (course of track) . It's almost same as current system for Guiding with enabled TTS, but with more precise results and much easier to work with

Big thanks:
big thanks belong to Thomas and Willy. They created and tested during a holidays, algorithm for computations of navigation orders. So it was quite easy for me, to just use it, little bit improve and optimize and provide you as a working solution of this, quite a lot, wanted feature

Why this topic
Navigation will not be perfect. It will not also be included in new release version, just in these testings. I would like to discuss about - how it works, what to improve, etc.

Enjoy it
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hmm amazing testing, thank you! Seems that your algorithm works quite well ;)

Navigation in opposite direction is not yet available, but you're correct it should be possible and usable, so I'll for sure add there such possibility. Notification when out of track, works in same way as with online navigation (because this just create from track same result as from online navigation).

I'm also looking for some better weather to do some field tests.

And "paypal" button .. ah, forget it. I'm very glad for your work on this and also for tests etc etc.  ;)
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Hi Menion,
in general I fully agree with Willy (would be strange if we wouldn't as we made the work together) and want to thank you.
However there are few very technical things which have big impact on the quality of the turn instructions in compliated situations which I sent to locus at asamm.


email received, thanks. I'll be next days work on new version (maybe tomorrow will be release), but probably after weekend, I'll improve this ...
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Quote from: menion on September 03, 2013, 19:30:43
email received, thanks. I'll be next days work on new version (maybe tomorrow will be release), but probably after weekend, I'll improve this ...
Thanks a lot. My experience for now is restricted to some sofa testing (you remember I asked for that being available in all versions of Locus and it helps with such testing).

Joachim Buhl

Hello Guys

I made a 22km bike track just to test guiding navigation and drove it this evening. I had to use "TEXT:high" setup because otherwise some notifications even on 90° crossings are missed.
Like I understand the posting of Menion it is quite the same as guiding with TTS but with a different algorithm.
I think, that the new algorithm seemed to be a little bit more precise, so I would like to use it. But I want to use it also without voice notification but with a beep as notification.
I think in the end guiding and navigation will melt together, but that means, that navigation needs the same notification opportunities like the old guiding.
A next step would be to have the opportunity to add navigation notifications manually. This is sometimes needed because we know that to go straight from a huge way to a small path is a problem for navigation. See here

Also display on/off on notification works fine, but I would like to see automatic display off also. See

Its nice to see, that Locus is getting better and better each week.


Joachim Buhl

Hi Willy

Yes, its difficult to decide between tts sound and beep.
In the time before Locus had the feature of turning on the display automatically, voice is better, because you get the information where to go, and if its not clear where to go, you can switch on the display to see where to go. In reality this ends with switching the display on with each notification because most crossings in the forest are complicated or you are to fast to hear what the lady wants to tell you.
After introducing automatic display on, you only need a beep to know something happens and than you can look on the map to get all information. I think seeing the way to go on the map will always be the best solution for offroad navigation. This is the big difference to car/street navigation where you can go after the voice commands, but even there the map helps alot.
So in the end I would like to have all opportunites.




At first I have to say thank you to Willy, tommi and menion for this great feature.
In the past tommi asked me to read the concept of this guiding/navigation feature, but I ´didnt understand it.  :-[
Now in reality it looks quite easy and I´m impressed.  ;D. Ok the first test yesterday evening was while sitting on the sofa., but hhis afternoon, I´ll test it on my way home.
So for not missunderstanding it: In the moment it´s only possible with voice and not with beeps, correct?
And I would like to get display on, only turn directions. Can anybody make a hint how to cofigure the settings for this?

Regards J.

Henk van der Spek

Did a (too) small test this morning. I missed a moving cursor. Only after switching back to the defaut nav cursor (the ugly green car) I had again a moving cursor. My own navigation arrow (the standard blue arrow) (installed long time ago) did not show up. (I have them in icons/navigation/ )
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


Hi Henk,
did you rename your cursor to "ic_navig_car.png"?
Regards J.

Henk van der Spek

Yes Jusc, I did use the proper names. But forget my observation. My own nav arrows are there but they are super small. So I did not see them in sunlight.
They are 35x36 pixels in real life. Maybe I should go to 72x72 pixels and more contrast.

Somehow I think they used to be bigger in the past. Setting icon size through Locus does not influence it.
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


Just one word : Great. :)

I was a little disappointed for my first try : my waypoints were too close so it jumps to more than one waypoint at a time.
But having soon a real try on my next 4x4 trail.

By the way, could you tell me what test locus make to jump the following WPT ?
I think to a distance threshold : under 50m you point the next WPT.
They are other possibilities. But it depends really of the track :
- when dist to wpt rise (you pass it)
- when bearing to wpt becomes behind (90° to 270°)
- a mix of the 2 before.

Selecting the nearest wpt is a good thing
Other ideas : could it be possible
- to select the 1st wpt to reach when starting nav (sometimes, we make "bivouac" in the middle of a track)
- to have a dashboard with as an example : distance, cap and name of the WPT to reach and 2 buttons : force next / previous wpt in the track. It's important for us to have main information at a glance to keep mainly the look on the 40 meters behind the car  :P I've made a lot of assistance during 4x4 raids and the possibility to select rapidly previous wpt could be very interesting.

Thanks a lot menion.



QuoteCan anybody make a hint how to cofigure the settings for this?
I do some test on sofa with "Navigation Test".
I expected that a voice told me the way to go, the direction arrows disapeare after passing, but i hear no command voice?
And if i tap a second time on the track there is only "navigation" without test?
On the other side with "guiding" i hear the voice.
Do i something wrong or do i misunderstand these feature?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on September 04, 2013, 20:09:36
QuoteCan anybody make a hint how to cofigure the settings for this?
I do some test on sofa with "Navigation Test".
I expected that a voice told me the way to go, the direction arrows disapeare after passing, but i hear no command voice?
And if i tap a second time on the track there is only "navigation" without test?
On the other side with "guiding" i hear the voice.
Do i something wrong or do i misunderstand these feature?
Do you also use normal Locus car navigation?
It works in exactly the same way once the waypoints are calculated ( this is why it's called navigation test). When you tap it the second time the waypoints are already there -> no "test".
Sorry, no idea why it doesn't for you.


Thanks tommi and willy for your answer.
this afternoon i will try it outside with the bike.
QuoteDo not forget to switch on in the guiding notifications, notify when too far away from track
i have it marked
QuoteChoose voice: Text to Speech ?
is choosen
QuoteAfter applying the navigationtest do you hear 'Lets Go ?
no i have never heared it :-[
QuoteWell I did not hear that sound in your movi
there is only voice in the 3rd section, didyou hear that?

Thanks for your help

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4