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Messages - poutnikl

Web portal & sync / Re: Web planner / portal
March 22, 2021, 16:41:49
Note that I have intentionally involved hard SAC limitations, originally developing the hiking template based on the user demand for senior people to avoid difficult routes.

Progressive penalisation and SAC limitations  can be applied in parallel , depending on profile configuration.

- progressive penalisation of higher than desired SAC lever
- either hard no go above maximum SAC level
- either very high but passable cost for forbidden level, like configurable costfactor 9000 for "forbidden" SAC level, as it was in the original profile.

Keep in mind that current Locus modification in LoWalking profile involves undesired possibility
a short enough but difficult segment will not penalize the route enough to avoid it for a person not accepting the challenge of given difficulty.

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I see I am too late, as you were overvoted... :-(

The Triad could be in plural, plains is a common geographical term and does not have the negative connotation as plain.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Hmm, I use git, gitk and git gui, on Window and Linux. And git also on Android/termux, manually or within the profile generation script.  But gitk is IMHO much better in the job of reviewing history of file versions within the same repository. Keeping track on changes and current code of locus versus  original profile is less handy and in git context  knowledge challenging, in my case at least.

The script was not meant in LoProfile context to be used for many variants. Rather as eventual  handy script-based alternative to "git rebase", which advanced usage is still a nightmare for me. So I am unsure about optimal approach. For now, I feel I may will leave it on you, in case you will want some occational profile refresh.

P.S.: It may be better if LoProfiles based on my profiles were based directly on profile templates and not on final profiles, as any development is done there . See the respective template master and develop branches.

Bicycle profile repository and template  //   Hiking profile repository and template

I think it would be good if the LoProfile modification has been explicitly listed in the profile comments.

It will help with eventual coordinated development of the profile/template, not to be just a one-time action. E.g. I can include generation of explicit Loxxxx profile into my profile generation script, that creates on demand all profiles from the current  template.

This is not limited to my profiles, as the script can take and modify any profile posted on GitHub.

Or, you can create a modified script version to generate LoProfiles from the current versions of the sources, unless you do not have it already.

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Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 14, 2021, 03:09:15
Quote from: poutnikl on February 13, 2021, 08:32:16
In Czech Republic, it is not thinkable that secondaries or even tertiaries would be unsealed. Even if tertiaries may have low quality or broken asphalt.
@poutnikl maybe so, but better not to be assumed when the app is used world-wide

Well, I do assume this your idea as well, in fact I have pointed that in context of default Brouter profiles long time ago.
Roads what would be here considered as secondaries are not sealed in Uganda. Many car roads in underdeveloped countries are unsealed. Even in developed countries, if supported by terrain, climate, area and inhabitant density.

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
In Czech Republic, it is not thinkable that secondaries or even tertiaries would be unsealed. Even if tertiaries may have low quality or broken asphalt.

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Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 12, 2021, 01:46:57
Hi Karl, I notice your theme doesn't distinguish between sealed & unsealed roads.

Hi Andrew. You probably mean  sealed & unsealed roads as highway=unclassified and higher, don't you ? The main probably is the most theme developers are from developed countries where is implied the default state sealed/paved. But when I was in Uganda in 2012,  most secondaries and all tertiaries were rather like highway=track tracktype=grade5 surface=ground.
Quote from: zossebart on January 27, 2021, 14:00:38
I don't have a specific request for confirmed parameters, despite maybe the kinematic model parameters (totalMass, Maxspeed etc.), which are brouter-builtin. 

These kinematic model parameters are by their nature personal parameters, supposed to be taylored by  end users. They e.g. help to predict the personally taylored ETA, depending on activity and personal fitness.

It can be done either by interactive way in configuration dialogs, either manually by local edit of profiles.  I would rather vote for the former, especially if - like for online BRouter - local profiles are not used.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] VanLifeMapV4
January 23, 2021, 17:52:33
I bet the golden shell was there, but disappeared during downsampling. :-)

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Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] VanLifeMapV4
January 23, 2021, 16:45:07
Interesting, I have not noticed any such blocks. Perhaps some route related POIs, like information tables, or rest places etc. where the theme fails to provide an icon ?

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I would go for a non-linear scale.  As linear steps by 25%  are not  really useful on the right end  ( .....750-775-800% ).

E.g.: Instead of   100-125-150-175-200-225-250-275-.....- 750-775-800

I would use something like   100-125-150-175-200-250-300-400-500-600-800

In case the library does not offer nonlinear numeric output of the slider dialog, but allows some textual slider hints, then I would implement those numbers as hints. And then I would do internal mapping of the linear output to a nonlinear value list.

But I can imagine it is more complicated, with relation to the interactively zoomed map within the dialog.

Or, if applicable a roll-out menu of the predefined value list, but I guess some nonlinear slider could be optimal, regardless of the chosen scale span.
Quote from: Menion on January 22, 2021, 10:10:20
what is the problem with this slider?  ;D. It jumps with certain steps (10 or 25%) and I found it quite easy to set precise value. It sounds like it does not work as expected. May you post a screenshot where may be visible a problem little bit? Thanks!

I suppose it does work as expected and it is not very difficult. It just seems to me as a not necessery inconvenience, being very sensitive. I can live with it, using it seldom. But I can imagine it could be a challenge on small screens. ( I have 6"  ).
This bothers me for long time.

I do not use "Magnify all maps" and "Text size" zoom setting dialogues very often. But when I do, I always silently curse who have invented it this way ? It must be some 3rd party ready-to-use library, as Menion is otherwise reasonable  :-)

Both have a slider to set the percentual zoom level. That would be good, if reasonable range would not be shrinked to just few millimeters on the very left.

When I set a zoom value, I have to very  carefully try to slide it to the right value.
Or, I could blindly tap until I got the right value.

( I once used otherwise great application, that had the slider so sensitive the former option was not really an option, I had to do  just blind tapping ).

Good 90% of the sliding scale is unused for any reasonable purpose. Could the scale be adjusted to smaller range, or replaced by a numerical field or similar ?

Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] VanLifeMapV4
January 20, 2021, 19:27:25
I revoke my comments about not displaying cycleroutes. I publicly confess I am blind and I have not seen the Cycling theme option, having it hardcoded to my brain it was not there.

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