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Messages - jusc

No, that can I not reproduce.
But for me "data export" crashes my screen. It is not clear, what it would export. I have recorded a lot of tracks but it seems it would only export points. Maybe if there is no point in the category, it crashes?

Ja, kannst Du auch machen, Ist vielleicht sogar besser:
Bei den Garmin Vectorkarten sind unter POIs schon einige drin wie Tankstellen Gaststätten etc.. Inzwischen bin ich mir auch nicht mehr so sicher, ob nicht in  "Locus" vielleicht anstatt POIs eigentlich Wegpunkte gemeint sind. Das ist natürlich was anderes.  Damit werden nur einfach Koordinaten gespeichert, die man entweder mit einem zusätzlichen Text, versieht oder man spricht sich eine Erinnerung aufs Diktiergerät um sie später z. B. beim Eintragen für Openstreetmap zu nutzen, etc. Dann würden die Points allerdings auch im Englischen Waypoints heißen.

It would be nice, if there is the possibility to download it directly from here too.  :D

#1834 ... /guide.php  
Ich würde es mit  Anleitung oder Einführung übersetzen. M. E. wäre auch im Englischen GUIDE besser als guiding. Wenn es im Englischen zu GUIDE geändert würde, würde ich es ebenfalls als GUIDE lassen und nicht übersetzen. M.E. versteht man das genauso in deutsch. ... /guide.php
I would it translate to "Anleitung" or "Einführung". Even in English I would it change to GUIDE. If so, I would not translate it.

Also, wenn ich mir den Screenshot so ansehe, sind wohl eher POIs (Points of interest) als Points (einfache Punkte) gemeint. Ich würde hier einfach POIs als "Übersetzung" wählen. Würde ich sogar im Englischen ändern.

For me it seems to be POIs (points of interest) not only points. So I would propose, to translate it with POIs. Even in english, I would change Points to POIs

I made a few tests with external gps. Result:
It connects as I wrote after GPS on/off/on. But it does not record proper tasks. Local position is not shown mostly and task recordings jumps.
I also used other travel apps like "TwoNav Trial" , with a third party Bluetooth app "Bluetooth GPS" which berkley proposed before, without problems.
But I can´t get the third party app "Bluetooth GPS" working with "Locus".

So at the moment for me, there is no solution to get "Locus" working together with an external GPS.

Regards J.
Thanks to berkley and cseu. Now, after your advices it seems  to work with the build-in BT GPS function.
I use an older gps mouse ( ) and it seems to take a while for connecting with locus.
Before I used Bluetooth GPS Provider ( ... S-Provider ).
With other apps it worked without any problems.
Because you got it working with locus, I tried a litle and it seems that I have to start, stop and start gps within locus twice. Only the second try seems to find the external gps.
Its going to "Working...." and then "Connected to GPS Jentro  bla "
But now I know how to get it working.  :D

Thanks J.
Just tested for 10 minutes Seems that this solved this problem.
I´ll try it more later this day.  Thank you very much. :D

Has anybody else used locus with an external gps?

Regards Jürgen
Yes, you are right.
I forgot to write, that I change track logging from time (3 seconds) to distance (5m) too. Perhaps there is no solution, because for the program is no difference between moving with the smartphone and "gps drifting".  Maybe also, that older gps chips like Sirf III (Garmin FR) are more inert, so that track logging is not so "nervous".
WOW. Such a fast reaction and implementing!!!! Thank you very much for your efforts.

But unfortunately it does not solve my problem. (0.9.24) If the GPS gets a low signal the circle begins to drift and the tracklog will be recorded futher.
You and all others can test it by yourself. Start recording, walk a little, and don´t move for a while, let the smartphone on the floor p. e., without stopping the track record. Come back after a few minutes and watch "your" track.
I understand.
But If you use the smartphone p. e. while running and you have to stop at a traffic sign, it´s a bit clumsy to get it out of your jacket, unlock the phone, pause track log and so on. So "Record only when speed > 0"  Autopause when speed == 0 and stop/pause time too would be fine for this case.
[EDIT] I use this function with a Garmin Forerunner and I love it [/EDIT]
For me a added checkbox "Static navigation" or "Auto Pause" on/off would be great. I can use it or not before I start with running and you don´t have to think about it
On the other side, I you take a little rest you can pause the track log. But after the rest you have to start it again. If you forget to start it, you may loose a lot of track informations.
The pause button itself for recording (just implemented) must not change its functionality.
Quote from: "feeblebrox"Small suggestion... Not sure if this works for your problem since i havnt tried it, but it may help to change the logging interval in meters to make up for the gps position drift while not moving.

Thank you, I´ll try it later today and post the result.
Btw: In other programs there is an option "static navigation" on/off. Maybe I didn´t find this.

Starting gps to get fix. Now you get the position circle. After the gps fix I started recording tracklog.  
So I start walking, the circle changes to the direction arrow and track logging begins.  All is fine.
If I make a stop, the direction arrow changes back to position circle. OK
But if the gps begins to drift while pausing myself, you can see the position circle moves too and the track will be looged further.  After a while you can see a strange looking track on your display.
Does it make sense to log the track only if the position circle has changed to direction arrow and while the position circle is displayed, track log would paused automatically?

Regards Jürgen
Troubles & Questions / problem with external gps
February 27, 2011, 13:44:53
It´s a bit strange. I can´t get the external gps mouse working together with locus. The current position is not shown.
With other apps it works.