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Messages - Menion

hmm when you're creating new path manually, path is blue, I can confirm it. But after you store it, it should change it's colour to colour you define in settings. This do not happen to you?
hehe, you're welcome :)

I have already tested support for huge Ground overlays (around 90MB and it works nice) just be careful with tiles size. It should be in some useful size. Ideal around 256x256px. More then 1000x1000 may cause OutOfMemory errors so count with it ...
fully working. Map item manager have just moved from separate function in list of function into new tab in Map manager. So tap on map icon in top right corner and tap on tab "Items"

best is to place all your KMZ files into Locus/mapItems directory. Then all these files will be available in this "Items" screen
yes it is, just seems for you, that settings is not on right place :)

data import part ... ata_import
did you tried:
- tap on line on map, from menu select "Edit" and at bottom is part "Line style" so here select color and width and it should work
this overlay added to next Locus version. Tile usage policy allow to this (just for online view with ability to cache data)
předpokládám že jsi si je načetl přes ten addon. Je třeba přímo v addonu nastavit aby se keše naimportovaly a ne jen zobrazily
exactly this I wanted to do today ... excellent! (added)
fine, 22 votes now ... good enough. So thanks to clear result 16 : 6, I'll keep current new system. In case of field note, there is problem with correct date & time on GC side, so I'll also add spinner for a time zone (so druki, there will be more space below)

thanks all for voting!
  if you have crashes last versions, it will be probably same problem as here ... m_this_map

  about maps from MOBAC. May you describe where is problem? Are you downloading maps as SQLite format? Then putting result into Locus/maps directory? You may also check this ... g_sql_maps , if it's not your issue
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: import NMEA
May 05, 2012, 07:16:37
  import z NMEA souborů opravdu nefunguje. Obecně je tohle zbytečné mi přijde ale pokud ti jde hlavně o tvar cesty a ne časové a rychlostní hodnoty, zkus dát ten NMEA soubor do složky locus/cache/nmea a pak v locusu spustit GPSku. Používám to k simulaci a testování takže se dá ten NMEA soubor spustit a zapnout záznam stopy. Ale je to dost krkolomné řešení, navíc ta NMEA běží o něco rychleji než v reálu

a ta nelogičnost není tak úplná nelogičnost. Pokud jsou soubory velké nebo zabalené, tak je celkem zybtečné celý ho projíždět a testovat zda obsahuje body nebo ne, takže při importu obecně předpokládám že soubor obsahuje i body i stopy a kategorie na body se buď použije nebo ne
manuál přidán ... g_sql_maps

pokud by byla angličtina zásadní problém, řekněte

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