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Messages - Menion

perfect, good to hear ...
sometimes, something is so complicated ... "Don't ask" on enable GPS dialog added, uff. I'm going to sleep finally :)
Implemented / Re:
March 27, 2012, 22:34:58
topic partially completed, but main discussion and future improvements here ... ut_intents on GetSatisfaction
hey!! simply but genial. That's why I have so many clever people around me ;) ... "Don't ask again checkbox ..." - yes captain, work in progress (I'll be "slowly" adding this, on places where popup is not really needed)
I will prepare for you longer answer but just one quick - at begin, there was also non of them. But during a time, people wrote me, hey I deleted this, and hey I overwrote this, and finally I myself overwrote some data I don't wanted ... so result is this :)) But I believe you'll thanks me once when Locus ask you if you really want to overwrite category with your important points ;)

And no, I don't like them. But I'm also person who rather tap twice on Yes, then once a month search for a way, how to revert irreversible process :)

EDIT: this is of course not a case of GPS when you tap on track record. Purpose of this is to notice user that since that time, GPS will be on and will be consuming battery ...
I'll put here part of my email conversation with Stefan (joeloc). Hope it's not too private :)

me: "I again don't understand what you want. You start Locus, enable GPS, start track record and when you pause you want what? Disable GPS and ten minutes look on map in locus without GPS location? Little bit weird. I expect you disable locus by minimizing, or you'll use any other program, or whatever, but this activity will disable GPS automatically. Till you have locus visible and GPS is enable, GPS will remain enabled. If you don't like it (and you'll be first who wrote me about it), post it on getsatisfaction "

stefan: "I record my track for the day. I go to a restaurant for lunch and have a one hour break. I pause/stop track recording. I play with Locus, I plan my further route, I check different maps, I import new tracks from the web, all that happens WITHIN Locus. Why would Locus keep the GPS on when I do this? That makes no sense to me.

Even worse: Locus beeps loudly into my face with GPS signal lost alerts when I am inside, even when track recording is paused. That makes no sense either. You should not play this alert when no track is being recorded at the moment.

I simply want GPS ON when it is needed and OFF when it is not needed. That is not such a strange idea is it? After all, battery consumption matters a lot. And I was hoping that the "automatic" setting in Locus would do this. But it doesnt."

I'll write here rather then private conversation over email. Maybe this will be interesting also for other people. So, I personally don't like when program do too much things automatically. When I use Locus, I just want to see my location on map. When I don't use phone, I just turn off display and when Locus do not need GPS, it's turned off. When I sit somewhere and playing with locus and I know then next 1 hour will be GPS location useless, I just tap (long-click) on GPS icon and with second click I turn GPS off. It's fast and easy.

What you want make no sense for me. Imagine that I enable Locus, start manually GPS and then it immediately shut down, because I forget to disable new Stefan settings "turn GPS off as much as possible" :). You're thinking just from your point of view but many people use applications with different ways. And I'm sure that many people want watch their map, where they'll see current location and they'll not have enabled centering and track record! When I search some street in Prague, I also just watch my location on map ... it's absolutely normal. And also last thing - screen take more power then GPS, so rather turn off screen (which for a big surprise also turn off GPS if enabled by Locus) ;)

just my opinion, discussion is open ...
Developers / Re: [DEV] - Locus Data API (BETA)
March 26, 2012, 11:14:00
exactly. tomorrow probably
OpenCyclo mapy už lze stahovat ale je to zpoplatněné dle tarifu který požaduje majitel (Andy) těchto map ...
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Navigace
March 26, 2012, 10:07:36
to čekej, reagujem hned, nebo snažíme se :). Jo jinak mapy obecně jsou dražší. Jsme malý stát, menší kupní síla a práce na mapách je časově dost náročná takže se zase tak moc není čemu divit.

každopádně doporučuji se na popis nastavení podívat tady . Jsme na Locus dva. Já + přítelkyně. Já vyvíjím a ona dělá většinou podporu + stránky + spoustu věcí kolem. Píšu to ale proto aby jsi se nedivil že nastavení není zcela aktuální. Vyvíjím a měním Locus prostě moc rychle ale většinu věcí tam najdeš. Trošku si s tím pohraj a když něco něpůjde tak se ptej. Já něbo někdo z komunity určitě odpoví ...
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Navigace
March 26, 2012, 09:51:57
 - prvně opravdu ti přijdou ceny map vysoké? Mapa ČR má 190MB, tzn za 30Kč je to 10 stažení, tedy zhruba 3Kč za mapu ČR ... to mi teda upřímně moc drahé nepřijde
 - ohledně výpočtu pro navigaci. Trasa se počítá Online, tzn. je jedno co máš zobrazeno za mapu. Pro výpočet i s navigací jsou dvě možnost (v nastavení jsou tři ale Yours server nepočítá navigační příkazy), takže se koukni do menu > nastavení > navigace > zdroj a zkus si přepnout Cloudmade na Mapsforge nebo naopak. Každá služba to počítá trošku jinak, takže to chce vyzkoušet
Developers / Re: [DEV] - Locus Data API (BETA)
March 26, 2012, 09:11:22
  this was issue in Locus. Fixed now ...
prosímtě, teď jsem se na tu chybu chtěl podívat ale ani ve spamu, žádný email nemám. Můžeš mi ty logy poslat na , děkuju
Wishlist / Re: Refreshing cache of online maps
March 26, 2012, 06:56:59
hi guys. point 1 is already there when you tap on single online map in list isn't it?

point 2 + points 3 (as separate settings) is something I wanted for a long time to do. May you please repost this idea on getsatisfaction? thanks

point 4, 5 - I don't see it much useful. This may also be posted on Getsatisfaction (maybe as separate idea)?
Other features / Re: Android 4.0
March 25, 2012, 11:18:05
interesting. Help is always log from CatLog program or similar after locus crash