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Messages - hundertvolt

Under review / Re: Wish: Routing along Tracks
December 13, 2011, 22:40:05
Hi all,

Just a quick question - are there any news about this topic? It became so quiet here recently ;-)

Best wishes,
Under review / Re: Wish: Routing along Tracks
November 04, 2011, 21:01:57
In Trekbuddy, the app I mentioned, they just played a beep when the trigger distance to a point was reached. I could live with this, but for 'in pocket nav' it won't be sufficient...

I have a suggestion for a basic algorithm: Set Locus to look forward in the routing direction for a certain, user-settable distance - no matter how many waypoints are within. If the direction (calculated in routing order of two points by differentiation) within this distance (entry direction vs. exit direction) changes for more than a certain amount of degrees (should also be user settable), Locus announces a turn. If no waypoints are within this prediction distance, the next following waypoint will be used. So for example, if within a 10 meters radius direction turns for more than 25 degrees, it will notify the user.

Examples of typical GPX files can be obtained from (a biker/hiker community) and a German service called 'Radroutenplaner Hessen' where you can set a starting point and a destination, and it will calculate a cycling route and output it as a GPX.

Best regards from Germany, looking forward! :-)
Under review / Wish: Routing along Tracks
October 27, 2011, 10:25:24

I am using Locus Pro for some time now, and I have a feature wish: The possibility to route / guide along a recorded or imported track - neither me nor Google found such a feature!

Background of this is that I do much cycling, and on the one hand, I commonly record the track when we are driving in a group, so that I can lateron find it alone, and on the other hand, there are websites like or similar that offer GPX track downloads for hiking and biking.

Before I found Locus Pro, I had TrekBuddy for this purpose, but Locus Pro is WAY better  :)  only yet I could not find this feature.

The way how they treat the routing there is as follows:
- you manually select the direction of how the track shall be followed (forward / backwards). Then the GPX track is treated as a simple ordered list.
- on the screen a direction and distance to the closest point is shown.
- as soon as you get close to the point (trigger distance can be set), the next point out of the list is selected; like this a point-to-point navigation is made.
- if you skip points (e.g. if a route is blocked and you go around), it continues routing as soon as you get close to some arbitrary point of the route from this point on.

As far as I can estimate, for Locus Pro this would simply (?) mean the possibility that not only a calculated track, but an imported / recorded track can be used in the navigation feature - correct me if I am wrong!

Again, I want to thank you for the great work you made with Locus Pro, the UI and the map import feature is absolutely lovely!!!  :)